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51美术报考指南  美术志愿填报  



  1。等待一段时间, 当你开始研究你想申请美国大学时,要注意申请的截止日期。重要的是让大量的时间在搜索过程中,然后允许你充足的时间来完成您的应用程序。

  2。按照 应用指令存在是有原因的,如果他们没有对你有意义的方向。它提出了担忧以及你如何可能按照政策,程序或理解英语,如果你不按照指示操作,你的大学申请。让我给你举几个例子:








  虽然你说的话在你的应用程序是非常重要的,所以你的应用程序的外观和感觉。有些应用程序是马虎,皱纹和混乱。其他都是手工写的,这是不能接受的。一些有咖啡或茶渍上,他们。有些是不读证明,有很多语法错误和页面秩序, 这些类型的应用程序存在错误,迅速成为竞争力较弱。招生委员会倾向于认为申请人有关此应用程序是不是真的严重,他们往往以类似的方式回应。

  5。是你自己。抗拒的诱惑,撒谎,美化或找借口 不要你的人不是。有时,申请人试图让自己看起来完美。正如我们都知道,没有人是完美的。试图寻找这种方式常可引起应用评估比较多疑较深刻的印象。

  6。做好应急预案的情况下,你不承认 是准备被拒绝入场,或许每一个你的选择之一,或者被放置在轮候名单上的几个选择。此外,要做好准备,你会做什么,如果你结束了在美国 最重要的是不上学,在申请过程中,切记要冷静,反光,周到的和轻松!


  As you complete your U.S. college applications, you will engage in personal reflection and self-discovery which can help you better understand where and why you want to attend college in the United States. With that being said, the college application process for international students can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing.

  Each institution might have different application procedures, but as you navigate the process, follow the six tips below.

  1. Allow time

  As you begin to research the U.S. universities where you want to apply, be mindful of the application deadlines. It is important to allow plenty of time during the search process, which then allows you plenty of time to complete your applications.

  2. Follow directions

  Application instructions exist for a reason, if they don’t make sense to you. It raises concerns about how well you might follow policies, procedures or understand the English language if you do not follow directions on your college application. Let me give you a few examples:

  If you are asked for two letters of recommendation, only send two. Some institutions will permit an extra recommendation, but usually no more. Honor that.

  As an international student applying to a U.S. school, you may be required to take a test to measure your English language skills, do so. Do not argue even if you are fluent in English. If that is the case you will obviously do very well on the test, which will serve to strengthen your application.

  Be careful about sending extra materials. Some applications allow for this, or will allow you to write an extra essay question. But if they do not, first check to see if it is okay for you to send extra information rather than assuming that it is okay to do so.

  If there is a word limit for essay questions, follow it. Remember, application evaluators are reading hundreds, maybe thousands of essays. You will not get a positive response if yours is longer than it is supposed to be.

  3. Be professional at all times

  You are one of many applicants being compared with each other. Always present yourself in a calm, assertive and sincere manner. It is appropriate to be inquisitive about your application, but it is never to your advantage to be argumentative. Be confident but not arrogant; be kind and patient, not abrasive and demanding.

  4. Content and presentation are both important

  While what you say in your application is very important, so is the look and feel of your application. Some applications are sloppy, wrinkled and disorganized. Others are hand-written, this is not acceptable. Some have coffee or tea stains on them. Some are not proof read and have many grammatical errors and pages are out of order.


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