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51美术报考指南  美术志愿填报  


  Day 21: Tuesday, September 24, 2013

  Days left: 6

  Location: Ithaca, New York (home of Cornell University)

  Over the weekend, I traveled to Toronto to attend the National Conference for the National Association for College Admission Counseling, or better known as NACAC.

  Brief background about NACAC:

  NACAC was founded in 1937 as a professional organization to support and provide guidance for professionals who are dedicated to helping students make choices about post-secondary education (i.e., schooling after high school graduation). Boasting over 13,000 members worldwide, NACAC is essentially theWho’s Who of College Admissions.

  Book table at NACAC National Conference - Books mainly focused on college selection and successful admittance (Photo credit: Chenggang Zhou)

  College Choice Dilemma

  At the national conference, one of its main attractions is the Counselors’ College Fair. With over hundreds – maybe close to 1,000 – of schools and admissions officers (AOs) in attendance, my head started to spin and as I started walking down the lengthy aisles, passing table after table of colleges and universities – brand names alike…

  ...Carnegie Mellon…Oberlin…Cornell…Dartmouth…Stanford…Harvey Mudd…Michigan State University…Pomona…Rice…UC Berkeley…University of Edinburgh (yes, there were schools from other countries)…Chicago…George Washington University… Harvard…and on and on…

  I felt like a child in the largest candy shop in the world ready to shop, with the only limitation being time…

  As I stood in the entrance of the enormous exhibition hall and saw the hundreds of people walking around and stopping and talking, and laughing and with high school counselors in search of the best schools for their students, I thought…this is what college choice must be like for an international student, or for any student who is making a potentially dramatic decision.

  How exciting…and how daunting! Where do I begin? What do I ask? How do I make sure I can leave a strong impression?


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