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51美术报考指南  美术志愿填报  


  gain in 获得

  generally speaking 一般来说

  get across 通过、越过、穿过

  get along (well) with ①与某人相处(得好) ②进展(顺利)

  get broken 弄坏了

  get burnt 烧着了

  get caught in 遇到

  get changed 换衣服

  get close to sth./sb. 与……接近

  get down to sth./doing 开始去做……

  get good from sth. 从……中得到好处

  get hold of 把握住;抓住

  get hurt 受伤了

  get in touch with 与……取得联系

  get in 进入

  get into ①坐进(轿车、出租车等) ②陷入(某种状态)之中

  get into the habit of 养成……的习惯

  get it settled 确定

  get married 结婚(强调动作)

  get off ①下车 ②脱下

  get on (well) with sb./sth. 与某人(事、物)相处(得好)

  get on the right track 走上正轨get over 恢复、克服

  get paid ……被付钱、得钱、挣钱

  get ready for sth. 准备好……

  get rid of 去除

  get sb. to do/doing/done 让某人……

  get separated 分开

  get sth. on ……有某事

  get sth. ready for 为……作准备

  get through ①接通(电话) ②通过(考试) ③完成(工作、任务) ④通过(议案、计划) ⑤


  get tired of sth./doing 感到厌倦

  get to know sb. (刚刚)认识某人

  get to 够得着

  get together 聚会

  get up to one‘s feet 站起来

  get word 得到消息

  get worse 越来越坏了

  give a birth to a baby 生小孩

  give a hand 帮助

  give a promise 许下诺言

  give A sth. for B 把为 B 准备的……给 A

  give a talk 做报告;做演讲

  give a thought to sb./sth. 想象、思考

  give an order for sth. 订购……

  give away 把……送出去

  give back 送回去、拿回去

  give birth to 生产、生育

  give in 屈服、投降、让步(不及物)

  give off 散发、发出(气味、光线、声音)

  give one‘s love/wishes/regards to sb. 给某人的(问候等)

  give out ①发出(气味、光线、声音) ②用尽 ③精疲力尽

  give over 交托、停止、放弃

  give sb. a lift 搭车

  give sb. a message 给(收信人)留/传个信

  give sb. advice on sth./how to do 给某人……的建议

  give sb. sth. 把……给某人

  give sth. away 把……送出去

  give up sth./doing 放弃

  give way to 让位给……

  go aboard a plane/ship 登飞机/船

  go abroad 出国

  go after 追逐、追求

  go against 违背

  Go ahead. (口语)鼓励某人做某事、去做吧

  go all the way back to the time of 起源于

  go bad 变坏

  go by 经过

  go down 下降、减弱

  go in for 从事、投身于

  go mad about sth./doing 痴迷于……,为……疯狂

  go missing 不见、丢失

  go off ①离去 ②变质

  go off duty 下班

  go on a trip on sp. 游览、参观某地

  go on board 登(船、飞机)

  go out 出去;(灯火)熄灭

  go over to 到……去

  go over 温习、复习;检查

  go through ①穿过 ②仔细察看 ③经历

  go to sp. for a holiday 到……度假

  go up to 上到……上

  go up 上升、增强

  go with ①和……一起去 ②(颜色、款式等)搭配

  Good luck with your trip. 祝你一路顺风。

  good manner 好方法

  good manners 有礼貌

  good-for-nothing 没有用

  graduate from 从……毕业

  grow out of 从……产生、由……而来

  grow rich 变得富有

  guess sb. to be 猜测某人是……


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